Electrical – Odd Problem Testing Series Outlets


I recently purchased a new outlet tester and was randomly going around the house happy that all outlets were showing GREEN (correct).

Then I came to one of the outlets in my kitchen.

I have three outlets that are wired in series. To my knowledge these are the last three outlets in the run from the panel.

Scenario One:

Outlet #1 – GFCI Outlet – Tester = GREEN (correct)
The rest of the outlets are fed from the load terminals correctly

Outlet #2 – Normal Outlet – Tester = YELLOW/GREEN (open neutral)
When tested the yellow/green lights come on and the GFCI trips immediately.

Outlet #3 – Normal Outlet – Test = GREEN (correct)

Scenario Two:

Outlet #1 – GFCI Outlet -Tester = GREEN (correct)
The rest of the outlets are fed from the load terminals correctly

Outlet #2 – Normal Outlet – Tester = YELLOW/RED (hot/neutral reversed)
When tested the yellow/red lights come on and after a second or two the GFCI trips.

Outlet #3 – Outlet three (the last outlet in the run) is removed and no outlet is connecting the hot and neutral wires (they are wire nutted off separately). I did this as a method of removing one point at a time to try and narrow things down. I did not expect this to alter outlet #2.

I am utter baffled at how the above scenarios can change and what exactly that means and what the best course of action is to correct the situation.

I am not sure how removing outlet #3 from the equation alters the "issue" that outlet #2 is having.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Best Answer

My first impression, if I wanted to trust what the tester says, is you have a neutral that is damaged/skinned/possibly partially broken.

However, never trust gadgetry. That is only for possible diagnosis, not actuality.

Open up the offending receptacle and visually confirm what the gadgetry says. You may find a simple issue.