Electrical – Option for some light between broken fluorescent lights and new LED recessed lights


I'm working to fix our our basement – nothing top of the line / dream basement – just some nice enough upgrades relative to our 1970's wood paneled basement, to enjoy a few years before we sell the home.

Anyway, about 5 of my 12 fluorescent lights (2 in each panel) are broken / lit very dimly. I would assume the ballast. I don't have much desire to fix them AND pay for new fluorescent tubes, only to rip them out in the next 3-6 months to put in the recessed lights.

BUT, I do need a little more lighting down here so I can see when I'm tiling, painting, etc. Any ideas of how to get something going? Even if I have to buy it an can repurpose it later is fine.

  • Could I buy one of those LED type light sets that you usually hang in a garage for one of the areas that's totally out? (something like this from home depot?)
  • Should I buy the recessed lights and wire them temporarily without mounting them, just to get some light out of them?
  • OH, I have some bright white LED strips with all proper converters, etc. I could probably just stick those up until I'm ready to install proper lights?!
  • Other ideas?

Thanks in advance, here's a picture of a broken one is a picture of the current broken lights

Best Answer

The option that I use for this type of thing is to add light with portable lighting fixtures. These are extremely handy for adding lots of light in a localized area where you want to perform some work. I use two types.

Halogen Work Light

enter image description here

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These output a tremendous amount of light. The wire cage on the front is there to protect from burns as the fixture will get quite hot in use.

LED Worklight

enter image description here

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These operate much cooler but also put out less light compared to the halogen type. I selected the LED light with an internal rechargable battery. I can use it plugged in but then can also use it in a portable manner without having to be near an electrical receptacle or dragging an extension cord. The battery operation also comes in extremely handy in cases where it is necessary to work in a dark area because you have had to cut the power at the service panel.