Electrical – Outlets not working but have power


Ok, once again thanks for the help with my last problem which stemmed from this the original problem.

Here it goes.

Half my garage doesn’t have power. Well let me rephrase. None of the outlets are working in half my garage. They set off the no touch volt meter. I checked them with a multi-meter and they are all reading zero.

I changed out the plugs on two outlets no luck. Although the last outlet before they stop is only working in one plug.

I believe they are on a different circuit maybe. If that’s what u call it. I believe instead of jumping from one to next where my owner stops has its own wires. I’m gonna draw up a sketch of garage and put in here.

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Best Answer

They set off the no touch volt meter. I checked them with a multimeter and they are all reading zero.

Combining these, you may have a situation where both prongs of the outlet are at 120V:

  • the multimeter shows no voltage between the prongs
  • the no-touch meter measures an electromagnetic field.

If this is true, you have a wiring fault and it's time to call a licensed electrician.