Electrical – Please help me complete this wiring!


Will you help me connect the remaining wires together so that the switches work correctly?

You can add extra wire if needed.

The important thing is to keep the switches the way they are.

In this situation, the white is acting as the hot and providing power to both switches via the pigtail.

Where does ceiling fan get neutral and ground?

The goal is for switch 1 to control the light fixture, and switch 2 to control the ceiling fan.

[enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

Power from source goes to fixture in ceiling box first. That would be ok fir a pull chain apparatus. However there was a desire to have 2 devices powered from this source. Thus the plan emerged to redirect the power source to a box on the wall. This source only needed to be a hot leg since the neutral/ground would be tied together in ceiling boxes. The hot wire into the wall box was then shared onto 2 switches via the pigtail and a white wire carries the power back to one ceiling device while a black wire carries power to the other ceiling device.