Electrical – power surges causing internet dropouts


What I now know is that the problem is the power and not from ISP. The frequent almost hourly dropouts to the adsl started when I began using a Powerline Adapter.

The dropouts would affect the router modem as though someone yanked the modem phone cable from the wall and plugged it back. I have two adapters, plugged in an outlet near where the modem cable is and another in my bedroom. Removing it reduces the dropouts greatly. I can not do without i through, and the powerlines themselves work fine. I feel there is a preexisting power problem exacerbated by powerline adapters.

I'm planning on using shielded modem phone cables, would that help? Is there something else I could try?
A few more information about the house, its not grounded as its euro plug system and there are plenty of surges because it's third world and bad wiring. I've changed receptacles in the outlets I use, and multimeter gives me stable readings afterwards.

Best Answer

These adapters are using the electrical wire to transmit data over your power wiring. If there is excessive electrical noise surges or droops this can cause packet loss. Installing a whole house surge suppressor could eliminate surges droop is less common in my experiance and many times is caused by bad connections. Power line monitoring may be the only way to find out if it is the power line causing the problem or the quality of the adapters.

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