Electrical – Powering a long 20M LED strip light run in large room through ambient lighting via crown molding


I'm looking to make a long run of LED strip lights (20m) in crown molding around a large room and am trying to figure how to power the entire unit.

After quite a bit of research and testing, I've decided to use LEDENET's Double Row RGBCCT strips which has 6 pins.

I've read that "running parallel 'feeder' wire and tie to the strip as convenient" works and I had planned on putting the entire run in a loop (4 x 5m runs for a total of 20m), running power down 5m on each side to power the back two strips, but I'm not sure how 'feed' it into the run. I've found 5 pin mini-amplifiers, but haven't been able to find anything for a 6 pin. Any ideas would be wildly appreciated.

Thank you!

Best Answer

They make a lot of socket connectors and other kit for novices. Unfortunately this product is a bit too "out there" and I wouldn't expect to find stuff like that. You'll have to do it old-school, by soldering leads onto the solder pads.

Solder on short (<12", 6" is better) #20 or #22 wire pigtails, stranded if possible. Otherwise the wire is too stiff and it tends to "wag the dog" i.e. the wire pushes he strip around and can even tear the solder pads off. I know that wire seems awfully light but it's OK for a short pigtail as long as you keep current below absolute limits for that wire (under 5A for #20... or under 3.5A for #22...)

Those tie onto the feeder wires. At such short distances voltage drop won't be an issue.

What you really have there is 5 channels plus a "common". Now, 3-channel amplifiers are ubiquitous. 4-channel (RGBW) amplifiers can be had. 5-channel, forget it. You'll be forced to use two 3-channel amplifiers, which is fine. You don't need to distribute the amplifiers all over the place if you have a big enough central amplifier to drive the whole shebang and are willing to run 6 feeder wires. You'll want to make the common extra large; it's carrying 5x the current of the others...