Electrical – Running Wiring Across Hardwood Flooring to Mid-Room Aquarium


A client wants to set up an aquarium in the middle of a living area in a rented apartment. The flooring is hardwood parquet on a concrete base.

How can I run electricity across the flooring in a way that:

  • allows people to walk across it without tripping,

  • won't allow damage to the wiring, and

  • minimizes damage to the hardwood flooring?

My first idea is to use the flat-bottomed/rounded top plastic channel often used in office spaces to run wires between computers & printers. Relatively solid and a low profile. But how can I attach it solidly to the wood flooring in a way that allows for a later removal of the installation with the least visible damage?

Best Answer

I would use a hard plastic or metal version of the channel you describe, and run foam tape under each edge. It'll handle any unevenness in the floor and will be removable, even if an adhesive remover is needed.

Start with a "removable" version of the tape. If the floor has a good finish on it, you could then try a "permanent" version if the removable version doesn't hold up well.