Electrical – Safely mounting television or shelves above breaker box


I am looking to wall mount a television above the breaker box in my garage. It would either be this or storage shelving. Either way, I would like to have an idea of whether this can be done safely and up to code. From what I gather, I need:

  • to turn off the main switch to the panel
  • to be dead sure of the stud locations and make sure I am drilling wood all the way
  • still be wary of the main line coming in to the panel
  • the television to be 6 1/2 feet off of the ground

Am I missing anything? Should I just accept that this is dead space on my wall?

breaker box location

Best Answer

Code isn't really relevant unless you were to block access to the panel (within 3 feet in front). Just don't hit any wires. Use screws that penetrate no more than about 1-1/4" into the lumber. All wires should be deeper than that.

To respond to the hand-wringing about mount integrity...

  • A 5/16" screw (properly piloted) into framing an inch will hold hundreds of lbs. of force without issue.
  • Four of them will hold a horse. If you're still worried, use six. Most mounts have extra space where you can drill more holes.
  • Mount manufacturers over-spec their kits for liability (damage and injury) and to protect their reputations. That doesn't mean you need to go so deep.