Electrical – safely plug a 15amp socket to 13amp socket, through multiple adapters


I bought a smart plug, I wanted to use it as remote control for my AC. I asked the electrician to replace the 15amp with a 13 amp socket. so I can plug the smart plug and then plug the AC to the smart plug.
He explaind it won't work and explaind the difference between 13 and 15 amp plugs.

I found online a fuse adapter such shown.
so I am thinking to plug a fuse adapter on the 15 amp wall socket, then insert the smart plug on it, then on the smart plug put another fuse adapter, then put the AC 15 am plug on the fuse adapter.

is this safe?

See the image for illustration of what I intend to do.


Best Answer

Do not do this.

  1. First of all even you would have to admit that the assemblage would be unwieldy at best.
  2. Secondly having so many connections in series increases the overall resistance of the circuit and leads to a voltage drop and increase in temperature.
  3. Kludges like what you propose often lead to unfortunate results.

Get a true sense of danger and respect for high powered live mains connections and live to tell your grandchildren about how to live a safe life.