Electrical – Service Entrance Breakers Rain Shield


This is our townhouse (5 house) service entrance. We only put plastic sheet above to partially cover it from rain, but when it is strong, the breakers got wet (this being going on for the past 20 years). Any idea what kind of glass or cover to put inside to prevent rain from wetting it (raining season coming in 2 months). We can't replace the panels because it would require so much city hall paperworks (even replacing a breaker needs city hall permit) and the neighbors won't cooperate putting up money for the repair or any power interruption.

enter image description here

Best Answer

See the gutter above the meters? Yeah? The thing below the meters where the breakers are, used to be a gutter just like that. It has completely rotted out.

Your best bet here is to fully enclose this area in a "shed" with a roof that will shed rain, solid sides, and doors that latch and seal. You can put this together out of plywood, prime, paint and caulk it. The weird cage around it - just like that, but with solid wood.