Electrical – Should Ground and Either Neutral or Hot be Lighting Circuit Testing



Why might hot and ground light a circuit tester; neutral and ground also light; but hot and neutral do not light a circuit tester?


I opened an old box to branch a new receptacle.

I used the circuit tester against the hot and neutral wires. It did not light.

I tested the circuit tester against hot and ground. It lit.

Neutral and ground also lit the tester.

I have never seen this before. What's going on? Is it possible the previous homeowner accidentally used ground for hot or neutral?

Best Answer

Because Black = hot and White = neutral is not actually a hard and fast rule in household wiring. You are probably looking at a switch loop - no longer approved for new installs, but approved recently enough to be quite common. The white wire that's hot SHOULD be marked in some way to indicate that, but often is not, or the marking was impermanent. Red tape or paint or black tape on white wire are common methods of marking a white as not being Neutral.