Electrical – Should I avoid running conduit above sewer line exit on basement wall


The prior owner of our house had an epoxy repair made on the basement wall where the sewer line exits (see images). We've lived here for 20 years and this repair is solid; there have never been any leaks.

Now I'm working on putting some outlets in the basement, and I'm wondering if I should avoid running conduit along this part of the wall above the exit point. Just in case there might ever be an issue in the future, I was thinking that having a conduit there could complicate a repair in that the electrical work would have to be undone before the wall repair could proceed. I'm not sure if I'm over thinking things, or if it is indeed a good practice to steer clear of this part of the wall, irregardless of the presence of a wall repair.

enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

Running conduit on that wall won't be a problem. Just avoid drilling your conduit supports in the area of the repair. You'll probably have multiple outlet boxes and outlets along that wall so in the rare circumstance that the wall needed major repair, you could remove a section of conduit between boxes. Good luck and stay safe out there.