Electrical – Should I install a sub-panel or add a second service drop


I am considering converting my barn into a woodshop. It would require me upgrading the current wiring to handle the tools that would end up in the shop.

I have a very old farm house and the main house (not including additions) would only be accessible by one side. The driveway side of the house would need to be tunneled under in order to get into the main house basement. Then, I would need to trench back about 50 or so feet to the barn.

My question is; would it just be better to have a new direct line from the pole to the barn, or tackling this tedious way previously listed? Also, if the direct line would be easier/more feasible, does national grid charge a separate delivery fee or is it comparable cost-wise?

Also, if I was to do the dig version, would I need to upgrade to a 400 amp ( I am guessing?!) to be able to handle two 200 amp service panels?? If this is the case, I am guessing that should be factored into the over all cost of the dig option

Best Answer

Regardless of how much work it takes, if you are considering adding a large number of tools and a large load then a sub-panel would be the way to go.

With more information we could give you better advice.

Good luck!