Electrical – Should the meter base be installed before chink siding in new construction


I'm planning to do my own electrical for a new house that will have pine chink siding. Should I:

A. Install the meter base on the OSB sheathing, and flash the Tyvek around it?

B. Install the meter base on the sheathing over the Tyvek?

C. Wait until the pine chink siding is fully installed and put the meter base over that? (there will be gaps behind the meter though, do to the elevation changes in chink siding).

D. Install some kind of board over the OSB, screwed through the sheathing to the studs and then attach the meter to that? If so, how should it be flashed?

Best Answer

Should the meter base be installed before chink siding in new construction?


B. Install the meter base on the sheathing over the Tyvek?