Electrical – Standalone circuit for emergency power


I'm looking to setup an option for long-term power outages. Our house was built in the 70s and the circuit layout is nowhere near logical enough to be able to say "these 3 circuits need emergency power". Instead, I'd like to run a standalone circuit with about 8 receptacles on it (4 for critical appliances, 4 for lights/chargers).

By standalone, I mean it won't be connected to the grid or breaker box in any way. It would connect to the 8 receptacle boxes, and have a cord in the garage that I could plug into an inverter connected to our Leaf. If I need emergency power, I connect the inverter and move the required plugs from their normal receptacle to the emergency receptacle.

I know this probably isn't a code-approved setup, but is this a horrible idea for some reason I'm not thinking of? I plan to turn off the main breaker whenever this is in use just to be absolutely sure there's no chance of backfeeding the grid, but this would be very hard to do since the entire circuit is separate.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Drew there are panels that will do exactly what you want. They use the existing wiring and have a limited number of circuits. These manual transfer of 1/2 dozen or more circuits is really expensive. See generac, reliance 6 circuit transfer switches. These systems cost in the range of 350.00-450.00 I have seen them used with a 2kw generator.

Old school lightbulbs that is 200 not just 1. The house I am thinking of ran there gas furnace. Lighting they needed and refrigerator. When they wanted to run the well they turned off the refrigerator circuit and turned on the well pump.

So it can be done even using your existing wiring. I would suggest a generator interlock kit this locks out your main breaker while turning on the breaker to feed the home from another source whatever it is. You turn off all the circuit breakers you don’t need or cannot power with the new source. A lot cheaper and works similarly for under 100$.