Electrical – Stud hole for Romex electrical wire filled with Green-glue acoustic sealant – Cause of concern


I am helping my brother with his unfinished basement when I realized he made a mistake. I told him to use a fire stopping sealant in certain stud holes where Romex wire was being fed through.

Unfortunately he used the wrong sealant, he used saint-gobain's acoustic soundproof sealant (i.e: Green-Glu).

My primary concern was "Would there be a negative reaction from the soundproof sealant coming into contact with the Romex sheathing" (i.e: Would it damage the sheathing or is there any serious risk)

I reached out to Saint-Gobain for more information and couldnt get a straight answer (which is understandable)

Saint Gobain – "We do not have any information on using with wires and I don’t expect our sealant will provide an acoustical function in contact with the wires, and it could be a safety issue if a fire develops in one cavity as this is not a fire blocking material."

I plan on trying to remove some of the sealant and replace with a fire stopping sealant but there are areas I simply don't have access to. To anyone's knowledge is there any serious risks here? Should I be concerned with the Romex Sheathing having any negative reactions to the sealant?

Its worth nothing:
– The only "official" reported negative reaction I could find is when it comes into contact with copper. They also state it can be used around plastic junction boxes.

Best Answer

The MDS notes that the components are latex polymer, water and CaCO3 (calcium carbonate). These are inert and should not interact with the sheathing.

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