Electrical – Testing cabinet screw heads for electrical current


Is it common to test cabinet screw heads for electrical current in case they may have interfered with wire? Some of the 2×4 behind where I am hanging cabinets have wire running along, in addition to perpendicular, which can more easily be avoided. I would like to use 3-1/8" screws where I have upright 2×4 (as opposed to shorter screws, which would be less risky but less strong too).

If yes what can I use to send the current to, if there is one? Should I somehow send it to an adjacent power outlet?

Best Answer

You could use a non-contact voltage tester.

If you haven't hung the cabinets yet, check if your stud finder has a function for identifying electrical wiring.

A french cleat might help you hang the cabinets while avoiding any inconveniently-placed wiring within the wall. Youtube has some great how-to videos on french cleat cabinet installation.