Electrical – the correct way to attach a receptacle to a metal face plate


4" metal face plates and box are very common for exposed wiring. Receptacles connect to the face plate instead of to the box, which is different than in a house. The face plate comes with a few screws and nuts for this purpose.

It's possible to attach the recep with 2 screws and nuts at the top and bottom (red arrow) or a single screw in the middle (blue arrow). Which is the best way?

(click for full-size)

Best Answer

National Electrical Code (NEC), provides the answer in article 406.4 (C).

406.4 Receptacle Mounting.
(C) Receptacles Mounted on Covers. Receptacles mounted to and supported by a cover shall be held rigidly against the cover by more than one screw or shall be a device assembly or box cover listed and identified for securing by a single screw.

In your example image, the receptacle mounted using only one screw is a code violation.