Electrical – the proper method for repairing insulation nicks in wiring


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I've run across this a few times in the house where I've been doing repairs. Normally, I would just tape it up and call it good. I mean, the tape itself is rated at 600 volts. Someone told me recently tape is not listed for repair, only marking. I am a bit confused about UL listings. Where do you find them? And how do you know what something is listed for? And finally, what is the proper way to repair cracks or cuts in wiring insulation?

Best Answer

Electrical tape can insulate a splice all on its own, so this should be fine

UL-listed thermoplastic electrical tapes are intended to be the sole insulating means on a splice or joint (the White Book says as much), and are tested for their capacity as an insulating material, so using them to repair damaged wire insulation within a junction box should be fine in practice, even though neither the NEC nor the UL White Book speak directly to this use of the product.