Electrical – the proper way to convert a pair of three-way (SPDT) switches into a single two-way (SPST) switch


I'm in the process of replacing some of the light switches in my house with smart switches, Wemo Light Switches in this case. I've had no problem with the replacement of my One-way switches (SPST I think), however I have a pair of Two-way switches (SPDT) that controls a single light fixture. As their documentation states

Please note that the WeMo Light Switch is not compatible with lights controlled by more than one switch…

So it looks like my best option is to convert the Two-way switch into a One-way switch. I'm happy to lose one of the control points, however I'm not sure what the proper way to make this conversion is. I expect to a have a single smart switch controlling the system, that will replace both previous switches. Based on some wikipedia diagrams it looks like it is obvious path is to short circuit wires at the point where I remove one of the switches. However, seeminlty obvious isn't alwyas the right choice. How should a Single Pole Double Throw be converted to a Single Pull Single Throw?

Attaced are photos of the current wiring.

Switch "A" circled in to be removed

Switch "A" circled in to be removed

Wiring box "A"

Wiring box "A"

Switch "B" to be replaced with smart switch

Switch "B" to be replaced with smart switch

Best Answer

Use a smart switch capable of supporting a wireless remote, so when the AHJ flags you for failing to have requisite switches, you can just glue a wireless to the wall.

Black and white are currently travelers. The red is switched-hot, which is awesome because it'll stay that.

Re-task black to be always-hot, by moving it in box A to the always-hot bundle on the wire nut.

Re-task white to be neutral, by moving it in box A to the same bundle of all-whites that the lamp uses.

At this point there are no wires on the upper switch in the duplex switch. Convert to a single switch.

Now install the smart switch in box "B".