Electrical – this orange clip the ground wire is connected to


I am trying to replace a dome light with a nice small ceiling fan. When disassembling the old light, I notice an odd orange/clear clip connecting the lights ground to the house. What is this called, and how can I get it off? Can I reuse it, or do I need to cut the wires and get a new one?

The other wires were twisted together with one of the plastic twisty thing (bonus points if you can tell me the name of that twisty thing). I have a few extras, can I just use it to splice the new ground wire to the house?

Basically, what do I do here?

Forgive the grainy picture. With the lights being off, I had to have a high ISO to get it. Safety first!

Notice that from the ceiling two copper wires are coming down and hooked in, and a very small (bottom left of black) is going from the light to the clip.

Best Answer

That is a in-sure push-in wire connector. It's spring-loaded. To remove it, pull while twisting. The full spec sheets on them are at http://www.idealindustries.com/prodDetail.do?prodId=in-sure&div=0&l1=push-in , and DIY.SE did a blog entry on them as well at http://diy.blogoverflow.com/2012/01/tool-review-ideal-in-sure-push-in-wire-connectors/

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