Electrical – Best Conduit Box for Ring Doorbell and Keyed Entry


I have a powered gate at the front of my property and its well overdue to replace/upgrade the intercom system. I would like to install a ring doorbell system and a keyswitch to open the gate.

The current installation already has a doorbell button (with power), a defunct nutone intercom microphone/speaker, and a contact closure keyswitch for opening the gate. This is installed in an intercom style enclosure, screwed onto a 1" threaded pipe. The pipe is cemented into the driveway wall.

Lets say I remove the entire intercom enclosure. Can you recommend a style or model of enclosure to put in its place?

Best Answer

As requested : The type of box if only a ring type doorbell would be a Single gang Bell box. These can be found with 1" threaded holes and with the proper gasket and cover would be waterproof. If you have additional devices like the key switch a double gang Bell box would be my next choice. Make sure to plug any unused holes in the bell box, I use a little RTV or silicone sealer on the threads on the top of the box so water cannot get in if sitting level water will pool in the small depression and over time may get in to your electronics, this is why I take the extra step of sealing the threads