Electrical – UPS to bypass tripping a fuse

circuit breakerelectricalpower

I have an apartment setup right now where one fuse has a fair amount of load on it. (Fridge, Microwave, PC). Rarely, when these are all used in conjunction, the fuse trips and I have to turn it back on (and I'm sure it's awful for these devices too!) Would it be at all possible to put a UPS on the outlet, and then plug everything into the UPS instead? That way when it's at a higher load, it falls back to the battery draining a little, instead of the fuse blowing? Or is that not how a UPS works at all? This is in the USA in case that matters for watts/voltage/whatever.

Best Answer

The fuse is there to prevent your wires from burning up in the walls. A UPS is for a short supply of backup power when the power goes out - not to bypass the tripping of a fuse/breaker. If you're not able to move these loads to different circuits, then you shouldn't use them all at once or allow them to be used together. You don't want to bypass a safety device.

As for your second question to alleviate the problem.. Yes, you should push something off to a different circuit. However, extension cords aren't intended to replace hardwiring not for "on/off" appliances like a heater or refrigerator. Of your situation, I'd say move the computer to a different circuit or extension cord as it's not a huge load.