Electrical – What are the disadvantages of having electrical conduit penetrate the foundation below-grade


I'm having an electrician wire a lamppost in the backyard. His initial proposal was to do something like this picture shows:

enter image description here

(The diagram is from this article.) The conduit's rise from the ground and entry to the house would be in a prominent place and would be an eyesore, not to mention difficult to install a paver patio around.

I suggested that since the house is on a crawlspace, the conduit could go straight through a hole in the foundation and into the crawlspace. The hole would of course be sealed somehow to keep moisture and critters out of the crawlspace.

It seems that drilling a hole through the foundation is not to be undertaken lightly. So other than the extra work it requires, are there other disadvantages to taking the conduit straight into the crawlspace below-grade?

Note that the house is clad in brick so a hole through masonry will be required either way.

Best Answer

My house has the main electrical come in below grade (built in 1967 before they knew better). I would get some small leakage coming in around the conduit where it came through the concrete and later hydro-static pressure pushing water right up into the main breaker box which, though inside, was also below grade.

With a un-floored crawl space, some water leakage is probably not a problem but I'd recommend not taking the risk. You can paint the conduit to match the house and it'll be basically unnoticeable. Or plant a bush in front of it. Or run the wire to the side somewhat and come out of the ground someplace less noticeable.

It's also much easier to run the conduit into the house if you can go through wood framing rather than a concrete foundation.