Electrical – What are the grounding requirements for a panel fed from another panel


I have a 60 amp subpanel in my garage and plan to add a second 30 amp subpanel to an out-building 130 ft away (fed from the 60 amp). I Plan to run 6 AWG 4-wire from the 60 amp to the 30 amp in 1 1/2 in PVC buried 18 in. My understanding is that I must keep the neutral & ground from the 30 amp separate from the 60 amp (e.g. the ground goes to a separate ground rod [or two] at the out-building and the neutral runs back to the main service entrance). If I understand this correctly, I have a problem in that I do not have a means of getting the neutral from the new 30 amp back to the main service entrance.

  1. Is my understanding regarding the ground & neutral correct?
  2. If so, are there other options (current needs a return to source so I doubt it)?

Best Answer

The new 30A panel needs a 4-wire feeder from the 60A panel. This is two hots, a neutral and an equipment ground.

The remote 30A panel also needs a grounding electrode (or two) since it is in a detached structure. This grounding electrode has NOTHING to do with the equipment ground run with the feeders. The two serve very different purposes.

In the existing 60A panel you will terminate the new ground to the ground bar and the new neutral to the isolated neutral bar.