Electrical – what is the best route for the shed? what amperage should I use


ok…so…I am undecided what to use to power up this detached shed, which is 70 feet away from the main panel. I obviously want to go the safest route (shed is 200 square feet) Before hand, I really want to go the 30amp route, due to its cost friendly ways and I dont think I am going to use that much power; just want some opinions.

route 1 –

Use a double pole 60amp with #6-3 UF wire to feed a 60amp sub panel in the detached shed? (wire will be buried)

route 2 –

use a double pole 30amp 10-3 wire UF rated to feed a 50 or 60amp sub panel in the detached shed and use pvc conduit for the wire (or does NEC only allow direct burial with no conduit for UF wire?

what I plan on using in the shed –
3 security cameras
5 outlets (GFCI)
power tools such as table saws and vacuums
small TV and leave batteries charging

thats about it….

what is the best route?

Best Answer

A 30 amp and 60 amp two pole breaker are basically the same price.

The panel is the same price in both scenarios.

The labor to install it is practically the same.

The only difference is the price of the wire.

For 70 feet of wire price difference I wouldn't skimp on this one.

I would go for scenario #1 and have enough capacity for future expansion.

Good luck!