Electrical – What kind of timer socket is this and how can I get it working


This is on an outdoor power receptacle that looks like it should be some kind of timer for switching power on/off. I'd love to use this for Christmas lights, but I can't seem to get it's little display to light up regardless of what I press. Does anyone know what this is so I can find a manual online?

timer image

Best Answer

This is a GE device, though I think a Leutron or Leviton also make a pretty similar unit. Here's a link to it on Home Depot's website.

My experience with these units is that they fail very rapidly - I went through 3 of them in a year before I switched brands. You can see the comments on Home Depot echo this. They also can fail closed so that with a dead switch, everything is still powered and you have no way of turning it off - quite annoying if you ask me!

I would recommend that you replace it with another brand. They are not serviceable.