Electrical – what steps to take after removing a cable from a breaker box

breaker-boxcircuit breakerelectricalelectrical-panel

While building some shelves in my basement, I noticed an electrical cable than ran along a joist and dead-ended. I tested it and discovered it didn't have power. As the dead-end is not particularly far from the breaker box (~20 ft of cable), I'd like to remove it entirely just to be tidy.

I haven't yet removed the front panel of the break box to investigate because I wanted to do some reading first to make sure I feel comfortable doing so. I see plenty of articles and videos on how to replace circuit breakers (though I don't believe I want to replace or even remove any existing breakers).

However, what I do not see in those articles is what I should do to the breaker box after removing the cable. I assume I should replace the knock-out so that there isn't a hole in the side? Is there a recommended way to do so? Anything else I should do? Apologies that this is likely a very simple question – I'm just not sure on the terminology of what I should be searching for.

In the photo below, the cable I wish to remove is in the second black hole from the bottom (just above the yellow cable).

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can plug the knockout hole with a knockout seal (or knockout plug).

enter image description here
(source: homedepot.com)

You'll likely need either a 1/2" or 3/4", depending in the knockout size.

WARNING: When working in the panel, take your time, be careful, and manage loose wires and hands to keep them away from energized parts. Be especially cautious of the main lugs, and the ungrounded (hot) bus bars. Use insulated tools, and wear appropriate safety equipment.