Electrical – What Transformer for Smart video Doorbell


I’m wiring a new smart doorbell camera (Eufy brand) It’s intended to replace an existing doorbell, but I don’t have one, so I will be wiring it from scratch. The manual says “make sure the transformer is delivering 16-24V, 30VA of power.”

The doorbell transformers for sale in my local hardware store show slightly different specs. And of course I don’t fully understand them. I see why we need electricians! But I’m wondering if you can tell me which transformer would be compatible with my doorbell cam so I can buy the right one.

There are 2 doorbell transformers for sale at Home Hardware (in Ontario, Canada)

Transformer #1 reads = 8/16/24 Trivolt Doorbell Transformer
* Primary: 120 VAC
* Secondary: 8 VAC/10 Watts, 16 VAC/10 Watts, 24 VAC/20 Watts

Transformer #2 reads: 16 Volt 10 Watt Doorbell Transformer
* For use with wired doorbells
* Transformer-16V/10W
* Primary: 120 VAC
* Secondary: 16 VAC, 10 Watts

I just don’t see the ‘30VA’ on the package of either of these, and I don’t know how to get that out of the specs provided. I also read an article here:


where the guy tried hooking his doorbell up on his own and ended up frying it after 2 weeks. These fancy gadgets aren’t cheap so I want to do it right.

Best Answer

OK, you need a transformer that delivers 16-24 volts and 30 VA. The 30 VA is equal to 30 watts. The first transformer you're looking at have windings that will give you three different voltages, depending on what voltage you need. None of the configurations deliver 30 watts or 30 VA. The second transformer gives one voltage, 16 Volts and 10 watts or 10 VA. Keep looking for a transformer that will deliver what your specifications call for. the smart video systems require more power than the old hard wired ones.