Electrical – What type of damage can power surges do

appliancescircuit breakerelectrical

I've lived in this apartment for a couple of years and electricity have always been bad (a demand in power from a device systematically causes others to fade off).

I know that a power surge can cause serious/fatal damage to appliances but I'm seeking about the nature and mechanism of those effects.

Specifically, I'd like to know if those events are correlated together and to the electrical variability of the apartment:

1) Micro-wave and fridge recently stopped working (same beaker) at about the same time (fridge compressor didn't die though).
2) Now the PSU of the desktop is making extreme noise and I'm getting pretty convinced that I should stop using it.

So is it possible for power surges to inflict partial damage on electrical devices and if yes, is it likely?

Best Answer

[I]s it possible for power surges to inflict partial damage on electrical devices?

What you refer to as a power surge will most likely be a voltage spike, i.e. short but significant increase in the line voltage. This increased voltage will in the most general case lead to increased electrical currents in your devices, and this may kill them.

Simplest example: a light bulb that is specified for 230V will generate more light at higher voltages (because higher voltage -> higher current -> higher temperature of the filament -> more light), but due to the higher temperature, the filament will break earlier (as early as "instantly" if enough voltage is applied). Other simple examples might be motors which might run faster at higher voltages but will also suffer from the increased currents.

Any devices involving semiconductor circuits (so, almost all nowadays, I guess) are also affected in the same way. Too much current -> too much heat -> broken device. It is quite possible that only a part of a device is affected and the consequences might vary from fancy noises to complete failures.

So yes, it is possible

and if yes, is it likely?

That totally depends on the nature of the voltage spike and the device.

I'd like to know if those events are correlated together and to the electrical variability of the apartment

There's no way of telling this for sure. It might be the case that the dying fridge was causing yet another voltage spike that further damaged the microwave oven, or the events might be completely unrelated.