Electrical – What would you do to quickly troubleshoot a j-type fixture that burns out bulbs every few days


https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DUPXJLI/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 – bulb example

Fixture is just a single overhead ceiling light with plenty of air flow and cover. I have about 20 of these exact same fixtures across rentals and people love them. All exact same setup, same bulbs, all on a dimmer.

This particular one was installed about 10 years ago. I replaced the bulb for the 3rd time over 10 years about 3 months ago. When these bulbs go out there is usually heavy black marking. So after I replaced it, boom out in 3 days. No marking, filament blasted. Went through this process 4 more times…

Things I have tried…

  • took cover off to reduce heat
  • brought in new bulbs
  • brought in a bulb from working light
  • used bulbs from same pack in a different fixture at house
  • checked voltage to light and checked connection at switch

So I am either buying new fixture or trying an LED or fixing. I am being stubborn about this so I would like to fix it but really have no reason that this thing is burning out so quick. It seems to be heat related as you can sit there and test the thing out put the dimmer up and down for a half hour and it works fine.

To add on: The tenants love these lights. Looks great. Really warm and bright on dimmer all the way up and almost like a night light all the way down. This is the first light out of the 20 I have had any issues with. Honestly I don't think I have ever replaced any bulbs within a year and some in sparsely used rooms have last a good 5 years.

Best Answer

First ever... I don't know.

I had two different lamps fail bulbs after 3-4 days. Not 1 day or 4-5 hours buy 3-4 days. I think the lamps are fine. I never put my fingers or anything else on any contacts. I never put my fingers on the end of the bulbs.


  • crappy bulbs... guessing so
  • tried several variations of LEDs and finally hit one that worked well plus didn't look "white".

So... I should have switched to LEDs sooner. I have no idea why my bulbs burnt out so quick. I rather have the halogen but the LEDs I have are in the same range has them and it is "good enough". The tenants are happy, dimmers working, bulbs lasting.