Electrical – When calculating circuit load, what should I add for outlets


I have a 15 amp circuit that powers 8 recessed lights running 8 watt LED bulbs, a bathroom exhaust fan, a bathroom vanity light fixture and a wall outlet. In case this detail is important: the wall outlet is located in the room next to the bathroom and it is not a GFCI wall outlet.

When calculating the load on the circuit, what should I add for the wall outlet? Do I imagine a worst case scenario such as a vacuum cleaner, space heater or a clothing iron being plugged in? Or is there a generally-accepted load factor used for wall outlets? Thanks!

Best Answer

In a residential load calculation, general-use receptacles are included in with the 3 volt-ampere (VA) per square foot general lighting value.

In other than dwelling units, receptacles are calculated at 180 VA.

If you wanted to use the 180 VA value, it would be 1.5 amperes (180VA / 120V = 1.5 A).