Electrical – While flipping breakers on and off, I had the hand shocked


Going through breakers on my panel my hand got shocked. Went to the off position and felt hot current go thru my hand. Nothing too bad, but made me jump. My panel is unlabeled, so I'm not sure what the breaker is wired to. Was flipping breakers to see what what was being powered. Should I be concerned?

Best Answer

Yes, absolutely. Call an electrician and make sure nobody touches the board. There might be 2 problems: operating circuit breakers must never result in getting an electric shock. That could be caused by one or two metal parts near the switch with different potential. Or the switch and board is very dirty inside and outside, which caused a surface current to the hand. This is the first issue to be corrected. Probably there is a second problem, i.e. a missing RCD = residual current device which is upstream of a circuit breaker and interrupts when current is flowing through the body. But a RCD does only interrupt if a ground current is involved. If the hand was touching a phase and neutral and the rest of the body was well insulated from ground ( dry weather, insulating soles, dry skin, dry clothes, etc.), a RCD does not prevent a shock.