Electrical – Why Did My Dishwasher Spark at the Door Hinge


This morning when my wife opened the dishwasher there was a pop and she thought she saw a flash near the bracket arm that swings the door down. I also smelt some slight burning.

What bothers me is the RCD did not trip and the fuse box in the plug is OK and the dishwasher was still powered. If this had been an electrical fault it should have blown something.

Is there normally electrics in the side panels of dishwashers?

How can I be sure if the dishwasher is safe?

Best Answer

Are there buttons in the door panel? If so, then there are connections ie wires going through to the panel.

It may be that ine wire is broken and re-made contact with itself causing the spark that was seen. If so, this would not be detected as a fault because there was no fault.

If the broken wire touched the frame to cause a spark then that would and should have triggered a fault.

If the wires are starting to degrade / break then while it may work now it will only get worse. Start saving for a repair bill or replacement.