Electrical – Why does the garage still have power when the house main is shut off


enter image description hereI still have power in my garage.. I cant figure out why I still have power on. It's a new garage built on to the house.

Best Answer

To me it sounds like your true main disconnect is at the meter location. My farm has this same setup, I have a 200 amp breaker that feeds the house panel, I have a 125 amp breaker that feeds my shop panel and a 3rd that used to feed a mobile home that was here for a few years. To turn the power off to my shop I have to open the panel below my power meter to access the breakers. Some have the breakers on a side access door but this is where you should find your disconnect since turning off your main did not kill the power. Unless of course you have a second meter but that would show up on your power bill as a 2nd service.