Electrical Issues – Why Double Switch Controls Both Light Circuits?


My house has a double switch that is controlling 2 different lights (A and B). However, when I turn either one of the switches on, both lights turn on. Can somebody explain to me why this isn't working as expected?

I drew a diagram showing how it is wired. I am really confused because it should work as it is… Oh, and all 4 of the red twist caps are actually in the same box.

enter image description here

Best Answer

You disregarded a feature these switches have, where one side of both switches are wired together. They can be separated by breaking a tab, but you didn't.

enter image description here


This side is intended to be the "common" side, so you could accomplish the left side of your diagram with one wire. However you placed it on the right side, where it shorts the output of both switches.

Just rewire to suit, or break off the tab.