Electrical – Why won’t the clothing iron work in one outlet but works in others


I've been using my clothing iron in the same outlet in my laundry room for the past 6 months since I moved into my house, but all of a sudden the iron won't work in that outlet anymore. I plugged an outlet tester in and it says the outlet is fine, and lower power appliances work in this outlet. The iron works in other outlets, but not this one.

I'm in the US, the iron is 120V, A/C, 60 Hz, 1100 Watts.

What could the problem be?

* UPDATE April 9, 2013 *
It turns out the problem was the iron, not the outlet. I replaced the outlet and had the same problem, so I started using the iron in a different outlet. One day I heard a "pop" while ironing and the "hot" side of the cord caught fire right near the plug. Luckily I was there at the time to make sure the fire didn't spread. It burned through the cord pretty fast and then I unplugged it. Now that iron is in the trash and I bought a new one.

Best Answer

It is probably as simple as one of the plug prongs not making good contact with the outlet. Try bending them in slightly by pinching them together, then putting it in the outlet again.