Electrical – How to Wire a One-Way Parallel Light Switch


I have some switched lights in my attic, which is accessible via scuttle in a pantry, which also has lights. Sometimes the attic light gets left on and forgot about.
The attic and pantry lights are on the same breaker, served from the same junction box.

The attic switch is not visible when the scuttle door is closed.

I'd like the switch in the attic to turn on both the attic lights and the pantry lights in parallel (not three way) such that if the attic lights are on the pantry lights are also on. The pantry lights should always be on if the attic is on, regardless of the switch position in the pantry.

However, I do not want the opposite to be true. If the attic lights are off, then the pantry switch should work correctly for the pantry lights but the pantry switch should not turn on the attic.

Can I do this without "smart switches?"

My intent is to make it more obvious that the attic lights are on.

Best Answer

Yes you can,

enter image description here

I use French wire coloring norm:

  • Red is live.
  • Blue is neutral.
  • Orange are switchable wire.

In the schematic:

  • Left side is the attic.
  • Right side is the pantry.
  • Circles are the light bubbles.
  • It use two ways switches, the only kind of switch available in France. (Looks like American people call it a 3 ways switch.., in the attic a simple switch can be used)

Remark: From your current installation, you probably only need to add the almost-horizontal orange wire between the two switches.

Blue and Red must be connected to an unique breaker.

Here are the different configurations (Switches black wires positions) :

  • Attic left, Pantry left: everything off.
  • Attic left, Pantry right: pantry on.
  • Attic right, Pantry left: everything on.
  • Attic right, Pantry right: everything on.

You can't turn off the pantry if the attic is on.

One issue with this solution, is, when you try to turn off the pantry and it doesn't work because the attic is on, so you have to go to the attic to switch it off.

Now, half the time, it will turn off the attic and the pantry. So (if the only way out is by the pantry and you need light), you will have to turn everything on from the attic, go to the pantry switch to switch it with no visible effect (everything still on), go to attic to turn it off and finally leave the pantry and turn it off.