Electrical – Wiring for 120 now with 240 option later


I want to wire a dedicated plugin to the front of my garage for a new EV, which at the moment needs to be 120. But later, I may upgrade to a 240 based charger.

Is there a suggested way I could wire this up to give myself flexibility in the future to convert to 240 without running new wire? Like run 3 (hot -hot – ground) and just use one hot for now, and the second later for 220?

Best Answer

Run all four wires

Run a /3 cable (hot, hot, neutral, ground) to the receptacle location. For 110, you cap off a hot, and use the other hot, the neutral, and the ground for the receptacle. For 220, you can cap off the neutral and have 2 hots and a ground for a NEMA 6. If you want 110 & 220 together at some point, you can then land all four wires on a NEMA 14.

I'd run this circuit using 6/3 by the way -- that allows you to have anything up to a NEMA 14-50 there with an appropriate breaker to match.