Electrical – Wiring up a switch for recessed lights using only 1 ROMEX pair


Forgive this crude diagram

enter image description here

Is this allowed in the US?

Can I use the white and black wires of a ROMEX wire as the two ends of black wire to the switch and take the white (in red) wire to the terminal of the recessed light and in the metal junction box of the recessed light twist the black wires together using a wire twist on.

Otherwise, I would have to run 2 romex pairs to the switch and twist the white wires together there. This was would seem to save me some ROMEX.

Best Answer

Not any more. You are describing a two-wire switch loop that used to be allowed, but now is not.

First your diagram shows black and red wires. One of them should be white (neutral), the other black or red (hot).

Current code requires that switch boxes have a neutral wire, not just a hot and a switched hot. This is required, even if your switch doesn't currently need a neutral. The next device you put in that box might.

Standard practice now is to use 3-wire (black/red/white + ground) cable to the switch. Black and red are the active lines, and the white is capped off if not needed.