EPDM Rubber Bond Roof in multple pieces


I've just had a garage roof laid with EPDM rubber bond. I expected this to come in multiple pieces, but the roofer has used 4 pieces. 2 long strips on either side, then 2 half-length strips to fill-in the centre remaining gap.

I have serious concerns about the longevity of the roof as a result. The roofer claims his supplier gave it to him like that telling him it was "easier" despite him telling me that it was ordered as a single piece. He claims this is "glued" using the same methods the factory/supplier uses to stick the whole sheets together in the first place, so is effectively identical.

Should I be concerned about the long-term longevity of the roof? What would be your advise to tackle this problem with the roofer? No money has been exchanged yet.

Best Answer

It's perfectly possible to have a lap seam in an EPDM rubber roof.

The important thing is that the lap seam is horizontal, with the upper piece overlapping on top of the lower piece.

The strength in a rubber roof is in

  • the fact that no one has destroyed the rubber chemically by attempting a repair with random cheap roof-patch materials from the building supply, which invariably contain tar or other chemicals incompatible with rubber roofs

  • how well it's glued down to the substrate

  • how well the seams are glued.

All of these can be well done, to answer your question. (But the first one is up to you.)