Exposed lath and keys on entire ceiling


We bought a house built in 1846. In one room, the ceiling has suffered immensely from a previous, serious roof leak. In said room, almost all the plaster skim coats over the lath and keys are missing, broken, falling down, etc. The room is quite large at 18×18. We have never worked with plaster before and it's a large area that we do not want to learn on.

What options are out there for fixing this?

What we have considered thus far:

  1. Drywall..but I think it would cost a small fortune as it's a big room with 12 foot ceilings. We would have to hire someone to do this for us. Plus..I'm not sure if it would anchor properly to the lath.
  2. Re-plastering. Again, we'd have to hire someone as we have no experience with such a large area of plaster work.
  3. Clean out the keys and install furrowing strips (tightly together).
  4. Clean out the keys and install shiplap or something similar.
  5. Ceiling tiles..but again..with the lath and keys's not a truly flat surface. We would also have to clean out the keys here. Not sure if this is a good idea.
  6. Bead board with furrowing strips at all seams.

Any suggestions (and hopefully DIY and reasonable in price) would be great!

Best Answer

I would:

  1. rip down all the remaining lath and plaster.
  2. check how level the joists are
  3. fix up any crazy out of levelness with shims/wedges (depending maybe apply new furring strips)
  4. rent a drywall lift - they typically reach 15'
  5. install the drywall boards
  6. hire a drywall guy to do the mud / tape / sanding (unless you already know how or feel like learning that part).