Exterior Home security/Lighting compatibility


Are there any exteriour security lighting systems via sensor or light you can connect to your exterior home lights for security..

For example if there are sensors I could buy and put around my big yard and if these sensors were to be set off by an intruder is it possible to somehow have all the exterior lights on my house by this sensor or have it wired to do so.

Is there a product like this on the market?

Best Answer

Several companies make separate Passive Infrared (PIR) detectors that could be used for your purpose. Or you could just mount motion detector lights in chosen locations or on the outside of the house. That is what most people opt for. Tying the whole thing together could be done but at an added cost that most people don't want to spend for what they get out of it.

Half of solving all design problems is getting familiar with the available products. This comes from experience and research. Spend some time browsing the net for motion detector type lights and sensors. You will find lots to choose from.

Good luck!