Fill drained rocks or gravels around tree base surrounding by deck


I am building a low level deck around a tree that is almost 7 feet diameter. This is the framing right now:

enter image description here

Originally I wanted to build a bench around it but I ran out of time and decking boards; BUT now, since I have tons of extra 1" drained rocks / gravels I am thinking about filling it up like below photo (from someone else):

enter image description here

My questions:

  1. Would this be bad for the tree? Will the base be harmed and kill the tree?

  2. Is 1" rocks too small? I could put something (like lumber) to prevent them sliding down and out.



Based on some answers below, I am thinking about a way to solve stump rot and drainage issue. What if:

  1. I staple landscape fabric / metal mesh in the bottom.

  2. Then fill with >5" rocks instead of gravels

  3. Leave like 1-2" of gap between rocks and decking boards if the rocks sit below the boards.

The reason I am sorta wanting to do this is because we have kids running around on top and I am afraid they fall or get their legs stuck around the tree. It will be a year before I get time to build the bench around this tree (due to work).


Best Answer

Covering any root area around a tree with more than half an inch or so of soil or stone will cause the roots to die in that area for lack of oxygen.

I would not recommend doing what you plan as there is a good possibility of die back from branches that no longer receive enough oxygen and water from the roots.

As others have pointed out the tree will continue to grow and push on the deck supports. If you really have to do this use screws that can be removed and leave the central area open.

Mature trees like things just the way they are and do not take well to changes in grade or the amount of water they receive.

In regards to your update the least intrusive way to deal with the central well is to use 4" diameter drain pipe with sleeve. Lay this down to occupy the space around the well then cover with mesh or geotextile. Top with bark or small pea stone. Nonetheless I do not recommend this as you are taking your chances that you will kill the tree.