Filling hole after removing medicine cabinet


I have a mirror that is larger than the hole left from removing a medicine cabinet in our bathroom, and I plan to mount it so it covers the hole entirely. I don't want to just leave the empty hole there, though.

I'd prefer not to seal up the hole with drywall as I believe at some point we may put another medicine cabinet in that room. I would like to put some insulation in there and I need something to hold that insulation in place.

Any recommendations? Would some sort of plastic be OK to cover the hole and hold in the insulation?

Best Answer

Plastic stapled to the face of the wall will work as you noted. Also any thin veneer such as a door skin so it overlaps the opening will prove to be a bit more rigid if that matters and is easily cut with a utility knife.

if you can't hit he studs the door skin should still remain in place with only some small box head-type nails.