Filtered air intake for whole house fan


I'm installing a new whole-house-fan, and am expecting good results. We live at 8,000' and have ~40 degree (f) temperature swings between day and night with very little humidity.

But we also have forest fires mid summer, generally during the hottest parts of the year (when we want to use the fan the most), and the air can sometimes be very smokey, and I don't want to just keep the downstairs windows open.

I know that an air conditioner would be best because it doesn't require importing outside air, but I'm hoping there's some way to filter outside air on the way in. My fan is ~2200 CFM, as far as sizing goes.

Is there a common and preferred method to filter ~2200 CFM of air that would be drawn into a home that's using a ~2200 CFM whole house exhaust fan?

Best Answer

I am doing this now. Using a 10"x36" carbon filter attached to a window vent (so it's kind of automatic). This is good for 1400 CFM. If you go up to 12" or 14" I'm sure it can handle 2200 CFM. About $200 on Amazon