Finding hard-to-find studs


So, I'm trying to find the studs in an exterior wall. The following techniques have all failed:

  • Running a stud-finder over the wall just produces "lost calibration" beeping after a few inches of movement.
  • Tapping doesn't produce any changes in sound or feel over several feet of wall.
  • Running a magnet along the wall at various heights doesn't produce any results.
  • Waving a non-contact thermometer at close range doesn't show any reveal any patterns in the temperature variation.
  • Measuring off 16" from a known stud and drilling just hits air.

Anything else I can try?

Best Answer

Look for studs at 4 foot marks from one or the other outside corner. These are often edges of plywood sheathing and are important for the framers layout to hit. Other studs can be off or shifted due to plumbing or structural issues. Once you find one of the 4' breaks you might be able to find studs on 16" centers from there.