Fix water pooling on porch connected to driveway


The steps to my back porch are connected directly to my driveway. However, the paved section of the driveway leading to the steps is improperly sloped. This leads to pooling at the bottom of the steps. This is inconvenient and I'm also worried about damage when water is sitting against the wood steps for extended periods.

Any suggestions on how I can regrade slightly to drain away from the steps? I've considered getting some asphalt cold patch so I can match the look of the driveway, but I'm unsure if it will hold up for this use.

Water pooling

Best Answer

Yes, you could try the asphalt patch but after a few winter freezes, it would crack and crumble.

A better, more permanent solution would be to dig out about 12 square feet in front of your stairs, about a 3.5' x 3.5' area. Regrade it to eliminate the pooling and install patio stones/pavers. You'd loose some asphalt but it's not that great to look at and you'd have a nice landing at the base of the stairs.