Fixing a roof solar heater


At the end of the season last September the highlighted joint in the roof solar heater was gushing a fair bit of water whenever the pump was turned on.

leaking roof solar heater

The joint is now still dry. Is it reasonable to add some kind of cement or sealer on the outside? The connection is quite firm, and there does not seem to be any cracks. The plastic still looks quite young; it's not chalky. And so I'm not sure how to open it to apply the sealer/cement on the inside, short of sawing off.

That alternative, sawing off the connection and reconnecting, is a much more difficult process, and one that, I'm guessing, would risk a lot of damage. Care to comment?

Best Answer

I doubt sealer from the outside will be any sort of long-term fix. Either the joint has come apart or one of the pieces has split. Either way you'll need to take it apart, replace any broken parts and reassemble the parts with proper solvent.