Fixing tornado damage


We had a tornado touch down in our neighborhood last night. Everyones ok, but there's quite a lot of damage. We lost a 2'x8' section of shingles along our roofline and have water damage all throughout our drywall ceiling. The weather is supposed to be clear until Sunday. Should I cover it with a tarp immediately? We still have all the plywood on the roof so I don't know if it would be better to let it dry or not. How should I attach the tarp? Nails, screws, tape, rope?

Best Answer

My instinct would be to let things dry out as much as possible.

To put the tarp up, I don't know if there is an official way, but my personal solution would be to install it under the first set of intact shingles and drive some nails through the shingle and tarp together, essentially turning the tarp into a temporary shingle.

If the roof ridge is near, then just run the tarp over the whole thing, drive some nails around the edges, and a few more in the middle to make sure nothing gets pulled from an up-draft.

When you pull the nails, just use a little sealant in the holes that are left.